Back in October, I made the leap from disposable razors to shaving with a safety razor and have never looked back. I absolutely love it! I am in my fourth month and have only changed the blade once. My original estimate was one blade per month, with a savings of $236 - $336 and not having to buy blades again for eight years! At this rate I can double that!

So far I have only nicked myself a total of maybe three times. I would have done so with a regular razor also. Ankles and knees sometimes get the best of me when shaving half asleep. It takes no more time than it did when shaving with a disposable. I have nothing but praise for the safety razor. I like it so much that I gave one to the chitlin girl for Christmas.
She left the next day to spend the rest of Christmas break with her mother. I had not thought about it since. The other day I remembered that I never showed her how to use it.
So I asked, "Did you figure out how to use the safety razor?"
She replied, "Yes, it took me a little while to figure out how to open it, but I got it."
"So how is it going?" I pressed on.
She looked at me quizzically, "What do you mean?"
"Well, have you cut yourself yet?" Bracing myself for the answer.
"Why would I cut myself?"
So, there you have it folks. The safety razor: So easy a 12 year old can do it!

And if I could only figure out how to buy it... I would be set. Amazon is apparently out of stock.
I had seen information about this before but felt uncertain about which one to buy and whether or not I would slice an artery open. You've convinced me. I just can't seem to find it.
Well, I'm supposin if we start these things out young, we never know any different. I still haven't gone down that path but I only have one razor head left for my current razor (which, btw, I've had for about 18 yrs now - the razor, not the razor head).
oooh, I love mine! I got it on eBay - the guy I bought from used it a couple of times and decided it was too much trouble. I cleaned it and changed the blade and voila! I had a new razor. Good luck!
I have sourced one of these razors but I have a question. Can you shave more than legs... say armpits? If yes, this leads me to my real question. How good is it at doing angles? I had surgery in my armpit near the lower end of where the grows. This has resultws in a bit of a crater where my armpit is caved in. With my Venus razor and some fiddling, I can manage to reach all the places. Can I do the same with this and not worry about killing myself?
Billie - I am glad you were able to find one. I emailed the supplier that I purchased mine from to see when they would be restocking Amazon, but have not received a reply yet.
Yes, you can shave more than legs. I shave legs, armpits, and everything in between if you know what I mean. Now there's an area you do not want to be slicing anything!
My armpits kind of have a deep hollow and do require some maneuvering. The razor head is flat and inflexible. It does not bend in the middle like some disposables. So to get all hair in the armpit, I have to turn the head and shave horizontally across the area as well as vertically like normal.
I will gladly answer any other questions you have. I truly believe the safety razor is worth the effort.
Hi all,
I am sorry that we ran out of stock on Amazon last week! We have been running a few fundraisers (fund'Razors) and while we have plenty in stock in our Seattle office, there are hiccups with Amazon saying that we are out (mostly it is my fault, but it is easier to blame a computer inventory system)
Fearnot, email me at chaddmbennett@retrorazor.com if you are ever seeking a RetroRazor.
Also, we are workin to get certified organic cotton bags and FSC recycled paper for the inserts for our next run!
Interesting article on your blog. I will add on the site devoted to razors the reference to your blog.
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