Well, it's official. Today is moving day. I am packing up this blog and moving to Wordpress. If you visit me there you may notice a few changes. A new address to begin with and a new look.
This blog started as one thing and morphed into something else entirely. It began as a way to reach out to others on the same path as I – living sustainably, going green, environmentally friendly, or whatever you like to call it. I was quite shy about my experiences at first, at home anyway. Online I felt free to let it all hang out, quite literally. Underwear, reusable menstrual pads and all, line drying for the world to see, but at home I didn’t dare tell a soul for fear of ridicule. I hid my tree-hugging ways like a dirty little secret. Connecting with others online and sharing experiences bolstered my confidence. Step by step I began to do more and little by little I became more open about it. Two years later I have come out of the crunchy closet, living sustainably is my way of life and I see no reason to hide it. I am no longer the “greeen sheeep” of the family.
Sustainability is still a big portion of my life and you will still find information on “going green” and my experiences with it on the new blog: Midnight Maniac, but it isn’t all my life. I have many interests: gardening, biking, planning parties, flower arranging, cake decorating, cooking, baking, bird watching, mushroom hunting, volunteering, homesteading, thrifting, fashion – Yes, fashion. Vintage fashion, more precisely. Reusing, buying second-hand, wearing vintage – they are all ways to go green. Basically, I can’t decide what I want to do when I grow up, so I just do it all and Midnight Maniac is where I will blog about it.
It is still a work in progress, but I would love for you to poke around and offer feedback. I have no idea what it looks like on a browser other than mine (Safari), so if you see something blatantly out place or broken, please let me know. You may have noticed I have already changed my Twitter name, email address, and Blogger profile. You can follow me on Twitter as @Midnight_Maniac or on Facebook by liking Midnight Maniac. I will still be EnviRambo at The Green Phone Booth and have created a profile under that pen name. At my new digs I will just be me, Rebecca Jean.