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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What to do?

What's keeping you from being green?  Time, money, family?  For me it is family.  We do a lot in our house to live sustainably.  Although my husband jokingly refers to me "going Amish", he has been incredibly supportive and generally a good sport about the craziness that ensues.  There are however some things that are currently beyond his scope of acceptability.  Having said that, I have been presented with a rare opportunity.  A summer of solitude.

My husband deploys in May for six months, the chitlins will spend the summer at their mother's, and I will be alone.  Alone to do as I please.  No school activities to run to, no dinners to make, no time-clock to punch, no appearances to keep up, no excuses and no roadblocks.  Nothing.  Given this opportunity, what would you do?  

Would you ... Stop shaving?  Go no 'poo?  Unplug the refrigerator?  Use cloth wipes?  Eat local?  Vegetarian?  Vegan?  Cancel the cable?  Buy nothing?  Pee on your tomatoes?  Buy a goat?  Chickens?

It is exciting to think about isn't it?  I have a few plans already.  Mostly to do with cutting costs and a massive garden.  There is lots of work to be done to shrink our yard and expand our food source.  Maybe this summer I will finally figure out what to do with all those walnuts littering the lawn? 

With a free summer schedule and very little responsibility, it is time to delve deeper into my quest for a more eco-friendly, simple, sustainable life.  I realize not everyone has this chance, so I am giving you the opportunity to live vicariously through me.  There are two polls on my sidebar: one asking "What would you do?" and the other "What should I do?".  Both polls will be open until April 30.  At that time I will take into consideration the question(s) with the most votes under "What should I do?" and then do it.  I may choose one adventure for the entire summer or several with the most votes to split into month trials.  I am also open to suggestions not listed on the poll.  I know there are things out there that I have not even thought about!  Leave a comment and I will look into it.  Of course I will blog about it along the way.  Good, bad, and ugly.

So what has been rolling around in the back of your mind and what is keeping you from doing it?



hmd said...

I really want to put a clothes line in the back. Part of my lack of doing it is that I want to wait until the rest of my raised beds (for veggie garden) are in so that I know exactly where I want to put the clothes line.

The other part of me not doing it yet, is that I want it to be permanent - as in concreting metal posts in, etc. That means the hubby has to be involved and let's just say it take him awhile to get things done.

As for over the summer, I would definitely have different food in my house if it were just me. Dave and I eat entirely different things. There would definitely be less temptation without his "stuff."

I also would probably try no poo.

Have fun!

JessTrev said...

Wow, what an opportunity! Can't wait to hear what you decide to do. It would definitely be all about the food for me: learning to can, having a rockin' garden, I'd probably go vegan maybe even eat raw foods only!. Also? I think you might want to consider unplugging for a while - and reading a zillion good books. ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow you should volunteer! Use your time to help others less fortunate, or volunteer at your local plant nursery / community garden / vegan cafe. Use your time to help causes that can do with as much help as they can get!

Anonymous said...

I personally would sleep. I know... not the sustainable suggestion you were likely looking for.

Green Resolutions said...

Sorry you have this opportunity, but glad you see it as an adventure! Look forward to reading all about it!

EnviRambo said...

Heather - I found the best way to get things done around here is to just do them myself! Hubby works a lot, so I have kind of taken over the responsibility of maintaining the house. Which is one of the reasons my avatar for the Green Phone Booth wields a wrench.

JessTrev - All those things are already on my list! Since it's going to be just me, I will not cook much - if at all. I see many veggies in my future; raw plucked fresh from the garden or purchased at the farmer's market. My plan is to grow and put up enough of our own food to eliminate buying any through the winter.

ecowannabe - I already volunteer - a lot! In fact, I am so busy volunteering that I do not have time for a "real job". I serve on several committees for the Women's Fund, I volunteer for Family & Children's Center, I am the treasurer of our PTO, I belong to the Local Foods & Sustainable Agriculture task force, Our Savior's Lutheran Church Green task force, I am on the executive board of the West Salem Area Aquatic Center, also on the board of Coulee Partners for Sustainability, and the Healthy Families Medical Consortium. Whew! I am sure I forgot something in there, but you get the picture.

Billie - If I am sleeping I am not using electricity, so I guess that could be sustainable. Also, I love to sleep! :) Sometimes, a little too much.

Green Resolutions - Hubby has been gone every year since we became a couple. It's nothing new, but this is the longest stretch we have had to endure. We have one week before he leaves for 24 days, comes home for a few and then deploys for another 6 months. I am sad, but trying to make the best of it.

islandveggie said...

The comments on your cloth wipes link are hilarious! That being said. It is actually really easy. I do it at my house for #1 and put the cloths into a diaperpail that doesn't really get used anyway since we "EC" the baby. No odor and no hassel.
Congrats on the green plan! Sounds like fun!

Daisy said...

The garden - the big garden! If I had more space and more time of my own, the yard would be more garden than not. I'm working on making mine more efficient now.
Your word recognition letters spell "reogro". Maybe there's a hidden meaning...

Urbancowgrrl said...

That's funny that your husband says you're "going Amish". My husband says I'm a "Luddite" and I keep saying, "No, I'm not quite a Luddite - more an Amish."